
  • 2
    Full Stack is nice and all, though I'd like to learn Algorithms too..
  • 19
    I'm 16, but as much as I love full stack, I also love learning about Algorithms :).
  • 3
    What is "Algorithm" ?
  • 8
    17 and fuck frontend (don't be mad at me). I fucking love algos :3
  • 3
    Those guy nowadays
    Code before thinking the algorithm 😑

    And yea
    Teen != Millennials
  • 8
    Millennials are actually in their mid 20s now at the oldest, the teens are a part of the iGen
  • 2
    Tfw scientific dev
  • 2
    @irene Nah Google it, I think the youngest a Millennial can be is 1990.
  • 14
    @irene Sort of ironic the amount of millennials calling themselves stupid because they don't know they are also millennial.
  • 4
    @irene You don't understand the irony in calling someone an idiot for being in a specific (albeit arbitrary) group, while not noticing that they are also in that group?

    I'm not calling you out, I'm just saying in general. Most people don't actually know when the Millennial generation starts and ends, including all of my family before we collectively googled it over dinner one night.
  • 0
    @lithiex I think that’s the general path. Full stack is often a good gateway.
  • 1
    @irene That's why I called it arbitrary
  • 1
    I'm as old as millennials get, 37, born 1980.

    I my JavaScript is extremely bad, so is my HTML and my CSS is non-existent.

    I can write algorithms in C and C++ though with a side order of perl.
  • 2
    @Biggy it's a word people use to refer something they don't want to explain on their code.
    How does this work ?
    It is based on my algorithm
  • 3
    Employers these days:
    "We need a backend dev with 20 years experience in cobol, but he also needs to be a full-stack dev!"
    "We need a designer that does full stack dev."
    "We need a database optimizer, with at least 10 years experience as a full-stack developer"
    "We need a janitor with experience as a full-stack developer"
  • 4
    Learn both and you'll be golden
    Right door alone is quite academic and disconnected from reality.
    Left door alone alone is quite shallow and not very efficient.
    Both together... Golden
  • 1
    Don't hate the front-end people. They do the dirty work that the rest of us won't dare touch.
  • 1
    You really need both. It is like having amazing music theory knowledge but not being able to play for shit. I met people thar regardless of how well they did in stuff like that could not for the life of them go beyond console.logs i. JS. And this is comming from someone that absolutely loved ds and a.
  • 0
    Data structures aka the devil's work
  • 1
    Holy crap I'm using that exact book for my class right now
  • 1
    @JukeboxRhino Everyone used/uses that book for class. It's not a book on algorithms, it's THE book on algorithms.
  • 1
    Um, doesn't "full stack" refer to everything? The baremetal hardware, the virtualization layer, the install, hardening, and configuration of the OS, the install and configuration of the database and httpd daemons, assembling and configuring the required modules of the programming language, writing the code for the backend and frontend, maintaining code versioning, testing, and deployment, running changes through dev and test environments, analyzing performance and handling high-availability infrastructure, and knowing how every segment of the process works.

    How is knowing a programming language, "full stack?"
  • 0
    Given a broad enough definition of algorithm, everyone works with them daily without realizing it.

    Devs build programs that follow a sequence of actions to solve specific problems, so every program can be an algorithm. Your favorite chicken parm recipe can be an algorithm, and so can your morning pre-work routine or your technique for operating a car.

    Maybe if you are a researcher or mathematician the working definition of algorithm is much stricter and domain-specific, but in general I think it's ok to say that you're devising an algorithm whenever you're thinking of a sequence of steps to take towards solving a problem, even if those steps are pretty high level because the lower level ones are generalized - even if your chicken parm is store-bought so you don't have to bread it, you still gotta know the steps to operate an oven.

    Or you can just go the meme route and say "Algorithm [noun]: Word used by programmers when they do not want to explain what they did." 🙃
  • 0
    Hahaha 😂🤣😂😆
  • 0
    @Froot it seems you got the doors mixed up
  • 1
    @Pointer Oh right. Indeed 😄

    My bad 😄
  • 0
    I hate both ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • 0
    Being a part of the 2nd line by peer pressure. So fucking true.
    Don't do web dev alone tho
  • 0
    god i hate this but it's true
  • 0
    The best thing I bought for the past years

    Also planning to buy the "crack the coding interview" book very soon
  • 1
    @Biggy an npm package mate.
  • 0
    @Autism420 I just followed the repost chain all the way to the original
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