
how does one manage to research for about 3/4 of day, for six days straight and not be bored? I'm not interested in the content after I read the same thing 4 times. help.

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    what are you researching?
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    quality assurance
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    work or school?
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    Too could find something to do that's ridiculously difficult and not boring in your free time so you're glad for the brain numb during work?
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    I got most of that, but I hate brain numbing work because I don't absorb anything of it. I'm much more of a hands on person. I do well with constructive criticism, so I'm fine with doing something, and them criticising the work, but no one has time for that.
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    too > you
    sounds like a good case for a side-project you can think about while you're working on simple work stuff. some devs I know use an audio book app to listen to books to entertain themselves when tasks are boring. I listen to music myself.
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    I listen to music. All day. Comedy podcasts. exciting books. you name it.
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    SIDE PROJECT!!! No really. you sound like you need some passion thrown into your work again and if you can't get it from the one who signs your paycheck, find it for yourself. Find an open source repo you can contribute to on a subject you enjoy if you aren't the self-starter type
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    I freelance on the side, and I appreciate the help, really I do.

    essentially though, I'm there to help them build a side project for them, but they don't make decisions as fast as I do the work that's assigned to me.
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