ever noticed that a years day can be stored in an 8byte variable?

the creatorz of the universe anticipated computers!


  • 6
    Not really creators of our universe, but our society (thousands years ago). Only things related to "universe" and "date" we have are years, months and days. Dividing these in to weeks, hours and other stuff is only our own job.
  • 0
    @CopyPasteCode i get your thought, but we had a thought in making our years so long.

    we wanted to have the seasons at the exact same dates.

    and it takes 255 days for the sun to go around the earth...

    so, yes, creators of the oooooniverse
  • 7
    @linuxer4fun the sun goes around the earth? Blasphemy!
  • 2
    It actually needs less!
    Considering that there's at most 366 different combination of day-month (which can be stored in 3 instead of 4 bytes).
    So in a shorter version it can be stored in 7 bytes. Although there is very shorter ways.
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