Our smart and very professional sales guy strikes again,

I had to do some research on if I could print a pdf file directly from the server (be it php / nodejs)

When I told him I had found a solution he said, good job and went away, I was like...hmm k..

A few days later he came to my senior being mad that the project wasn't done in time.. And we were like.. Dude... What project!?

Apparently he made a deal to have a working demo in two weeks, but we (our dev team) never got that message...

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    Sales guys are the worse. Always making impossible deadlines.

    Sales: Hey, we need you to change feature X to Y on the app.
    Me: No problem, I'll start on it once I'm done implementing Z
    Sales: Oh no, don't worry about Z, we promised the customer this would be done by tomorrow
    Me: But ...this change requires a complete rework of our backend logic and will require testing on both dev and staging before we can deploy it...
    Sales: So ...it can't be done tomorrow?
    Me: No.
    Sales: *calls PM complaining about how slow our Dev team is*
    PM: Get this done by tomorrow.
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    I feel kinda down thanks to this whole thing.. I am not the one responsible but I still feel like it was my fault... (which it wasn't)

    I hope this won't happen again else I might go and find another job because this feeling is not fun...
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    @incognito You should talk to your manager or some other peer because that’s not how it should work. Especially if you feel like it could affect you so much that you could quit. Good luck.
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