
I want to thank every Indian computer scientist on Youtube. Because of these guys I passed my Algorithms and Data Structures Exam.

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    Channel names ?
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    Just search the topic you want to look up and there is a 99, 9% possibilty that an Indian has done a video about it
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    @riteshx95 probably somewhere abroad.
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    @DP1306 im not indian but had same experience when i wanted to learn/practice topics about data structures like red/black tree (is it called like that in english?)
    every like second fuckin' video was an indian
    // no offense, but damn!😅
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    the accent soothes me
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    Absolutely! Man, this reminds me of my Systems programming class in Uni. Forget the students, I don't think even our professor had any idea of what she was teaching. And only a few of us were brave enough to go through the dragon book. Almost our entire class was referring videos made by a guy on YouTube. He pretty much singlehandedly saved all our asses!
  • 7
    That is national pass time of indians.
    "Oh ... I learned angular today. Let me make a video tutorial on that"

    Now if you excuse me, I have to edit and upload my new episode of my vuejs tutorial
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    @jalebiBhai best comment!
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    @sam9669 mycodeschool
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