To fellow OnePlus users:
If you're using OxygenOS (maybe even the preinstalled Cyanogenmod of the OP1), OnePlus is spying on you with a very creepy level of detail.

Full story (and a way to disable it): https://fossbytes.com/oneplus-spyin...

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    I knew they were collecting usage stats and paired it imei & serial ..

    But am a bit surprised about the networking stuff..

    Well.. U guess it really is just the nature of our society.

    Knowledge is power..
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    @lotd It's sad but that's the most popular approach to data nowadays. :/
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    Nothing like that on the cyanogen build - only "send stats to cyanogen" anf its defaulted to 0 and has only carrier and basic stuff any app out there collects anyway
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    @JoshBent Do you have the OP1?
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    @JoshBent Alright, thanks for the clarification! :)

    I'm also running Cyanogenmod (well, now lineage OS) - but I installed it myself on my OP3, so my phone's not affected anyways.
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    There's a higher chance of a company spying on you than it not.

    Seems to be common practice these days. Welcome to the data mining age
  • 2
    Nice heads up, though it was disabled as default for me.
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    @justsomeguy It's not that they're shooting what shocks me but the level of detail (why do they want to know at which time exactly you opened which screen in which app???).
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    Yeah I just checked and it's disabled by default for me too.
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    @theCalcaholic Spying. I meant to write 'spying'. *sigh*
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    @theCalcaholic the level of detail isn't that bad. When did anyone say that they record 'exactly' the time of opening of each app? Or which screen? It just says usage times in your linked article. There is a difference.

    Feel free to send a source for saying that and I'll take it back, but for now it sounds like hyperbole from you.
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    @Fydrenak They collect timestamps of all that. It's documented in the original article: https://chrisdcmoore.co.uk/post/...

    Money quote:
    "These event data contain timestamps of which activities were fired up in which in applications, again stamped with the phone’s serial number."

    EDIT: Okay, apparently timestamps are only collected for the time of opening and and closing an app. Still...
  • 1
    @theCalcaholic Thank you very much, in that case I agree with you, creepy level of detail indeed.
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