Never ever open a computer while breathing...
I got a ticket to fix a computer from the production line that was turning itself off...
When I opened it, a dark dust from hell came right into my lungs... There were more dust in there than I've ever seen in my entire life... Combined...

I'm still sneezing 3 hours later, and a few black spots keep coming out with everything else...

  • 4
    You’ll be alright son, off outside for a fag and to walk it off.
  • 13
    (He means cigarette)
  • 1
    As what @chadd17 said. Fag = Cigarette in the UK, or if you're Australian it's Durry :D
    @Robsonstc sounds like similar to me one time when I had an old PC come from the Coal mines nearby and was full of coal dust. Guess that's one way to get black lung lol
  • 1
    Ah! There all these filthy Death Eaters hide! Try it with EXPELIAMO!
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