
Regex hurts my brain.
I'm trying to learn it currently, does anyone have any tips?

  • 8
    My best advice is to play around with it a lot on regex101.com. No amount of reading the docs can give you the proficiency you get with just a bit of practice.
    Good luck!
  • 3
    Regexr.com is really useful for playing around and working with examples.
  • 1
    Learn automata theory, it's the foundation.
  • 1
    Avoid it as long as you can
  • 1
  • 0
    I persinaly like www.regexpal.com
    Cheatsheet is on the right and dont forget to check the flags at the top right of the editor ;-)
  • 1
    They're (relatively) easy once you get the hang of them.
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