To sell or not to sell, that is the question. 🤔

  • 2
    Btc seems like a relatively solid investment. Consistent rise, today it hit what, $5k...

    If you need money, sell... otherwise fuck it.

    Disclaimer: entirely your choice son, I ain’t covering any potential losses that could come from listening to me.
  • 1
    Yessir, 5.2k! May cash out on one and save the rest. Recent news is making it fluctuate more than what I like but it seems to always bounce up.
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    @AnonyOps genuinely I’ve not seen it take a long term hit... it seems consistently more stable than my country’s fucking currency 😂

    If you don’t mind me asking, where did you get in?
  • 1
    @jamescodesthing Well, you’re not wrong there! I got in around April of 2013 I think it was. I had followed it sense it’s birth but was really really skeptical. I still kick my ass for missing out on millions but I guess later is better than never...
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    @AnonyOps damn son. Nice earner then, we’ll done.
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    @jamescodesthing just wish I made the cut sooner and invested in more. SWIM has a hard drive that has a nice round number of BTC on it. They forgot their TrueCrypt Key and are SOL though. He’s heavily disappointed lol.
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    @AnonyOps haha fml.

    Well remember that thought before you decide on a straight sell. The idea of keeping one sounds good to me!
  • 1
    Sell some, keep some?
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