
So the new mass surveillance law will be going into effect from the 1st of January.

Of course, since I'm very keen on my security/privacy, I'm going to implement some precautions.

- A few vps's connecting to tor, i2p and VPN provider so that I can always use a secure connection.

- Setup anti tracker/ads/etc etc shit on the VPS's. Probably through DnsMasq and the hosts file.

- Use Tor browser by default. I've tried this for a while now and damn, the tor network has become way faster than only even a year ago! Some pages literally only take a few seconds to load.

- Wipe my laptop, encrypt the harddrive and at least put QubesOS on it together with probably a few other systems.

- Ungoogle my new phone, use it with VPN by default.

- Get rid of all non encrypted communication services. I think that only leaves me with a few account removals because I haven't chatted unencrypted for nearly a fucking year now.

If anyone has any more ideas, please share!

  • 2
    Where is this happening?
  • 17
    @CharlesVernon The Netherlands.

    @irene Yeah of course, but I'd rather have that than having my data getting caught up in the big dragnet :)
  • 3
    What's a dragnet?
  • 7
    @olezhka In case of surveillance it means that some kind of mass surveillance sucks up all the data it can in a certain area. In this case it's allowed to suck up all data from entire cities :/
  • 14
    @linuxxx 1984 , huh...
  • 18
    @olezhka Was NOT supposed to be an instruction manual ;)
  • 10
    You should blog about your experience - on an .onion blog in the darknet.

    Damnit. I'll never find it anyways.
  • 10
    Make sure you work in a Faraday-cage, and there are no windows.
  • 4
    @Lahsen2016 Yup got that one saved already :)
  • 2
    lol few seconds to load web pages on Tor
    I wonder how that feels, my 2Mbit speed likes to play games with me -- Sent while waiting for damn conjure-up to finish download 😞
  • 4
    Guess it's time to move my VPSs to some other country then. 😒
  • 2
    @linuxxx so which laptop will you use for QuebesOS? Since it must be damn powerful
  • 4
    @ThoughtfulDev Powerful? I've ran quebes on a 3 gigs ram machine :)
  • 2
    @linuxxx wait Wut... Thought because of the vms that Quebes spins up. So any normal laptop should work? Cause I have seen some compatibility problems in their forums etc
  • 3
    @ThoughtfulDev I've got an 8gigs laptop anyways haha
  • 2
    @trubesv The good thing about Tor is that it doesn't matter if a few nodes are compromised. You need to control a large portion of the network to gain anything from it.
  • 2
    @gitpush If your connection is the bottle neck, you won't notice a difference anyways. If it's not, you will experience the same as anyone else using Tor.
  • 2
    @trubesv But I wouldn't recommend an alternative - rather strengthen the network. :)
    It's still secure enough to use it, even the NSA can only deanonymize parts of it for short durations. I doubt the Netherlands could do any of this.
  • 4
    I'm visiting the Netherlands in December, but as a syrian I think it'll make me look more suspicious if I use such tools, especially that I got an exclusive "vip service" from airport security last time I visited.
  • 1
    Though ++ for your principles
  • 2
    @Nedo-the-angry That sucks man :/
  • 3
    @linuxxx... Wait did I miss something? Don't we have a referendum?
  • 3
    @incognito Might have one but that'll only happen around April and isn't binding anyways :/
  • 3
    @linuxxx aaand down my plex server goes again 😅
  • 1
    @irene hmmm that would be a fun idea...
  • 2
    @irene Going to do that one as well for sure yes haha!
  • 1
    @irene Oh yes! I've been thinking about writing something with cron jobs and curl or so....
  • 1
    @irene @linuxxx any ideas how? I was thinking of a couple of webcrawlers to just follow a random path? (but fully loading the web pages, otherwise it would be pointless)
  • 1
    @linuxxx @irene hmm so an actual bot then? That also watches YouTube videos? Etc. Hmm sounds like a lot of if statements 😂
  • 3
    @linuxxx You seem to know a lot about security and related topics.. would you have tips/resources for a humble young student as myself about that field? c:
  • 2
    @TheItalianGuy I'm deffo not a pro but yeah I know some stuff about it! What would you like to get advice on?
  • 2
    @linuxxx Where to start from, mainly :) I do have programming and intermediate networking knowledge, but have very little experience with solutions to secure personal systems and such (Thanks a lot for being so available btw :D)
  • 2
    @TheItalianGuy I'd look into what kind of security you'd like to learn about since there are various categories at first :)
  • 2
    @linuxxx Vague yet very clear. Me likes 😂 I'll defenitely start researching about network security since that's what I believe I'll be most comfortable with :) cheers!
  • 2
    @TheItalianGuy Cheers man! Don't hestitate to mention me for questions 😀
  • 1
    That reminds of that book. I forgot it's exact name, I think it was 1984?
  • 0
    thought that might interest you :>
  • 0
    Idea hmm. disconnect permanently.
  • 1
    @pk359 Why would I? :)
  • 0
    @linuxxx probably most secure. Cozz m gonna backtrack you anyway. Thanks to TOR open principle.
  • 2
    @pk359 I do literally everything through vpn+tor+i2p, haven't connected with my real ip to sites etc for like a year xD
  • 1
    @olback thinking the same. Shame
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