Everyones like "python is pseudocode" but honestly i dont see it, after sql, python is the least intuitive syntax i ever worked with, and i frequently use haskell so

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    I find that VB is more so
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    @githelp VB is definitely pseudocode, I still wonder if it could really be that easy whenever I program in it
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    Well I used it as a teaching language before. And while SQL can be considered a programming language I find it hard to offer it as an alternative to Python when trying to teach people basic programming logix. Say I tell a student how would they describe looping through an array. The idea would translate, for each item im the array print the item. In python that simply translated to for item in arrayVariable: print (item) and everyone likes it specially when compared to c style languages in which the basic for loop has a lot of syntax noise. Python can be easily learnt in an afternoon whereas others like Java or C or C# take a lil longer, even SQL.
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    @bytewave-fan i see you are a man of culture as well ;)
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