
When you are retard and cross TX/RX lines, desperate measures will have to follow, like terminating hardware UART on start-up so that you can bit-bang over crossed TX/RX yourself...

  • 3
    The fucking what?
  • 2
    Yuk that is nasty
  • 4

    Hardware design bugs are to be fixed too! Fix the circuit, get a new board etched and soldered. Then use the frickin UART as it is meant to be used.
  • 2
    @Oktokolo That was plan A, until I realised my money printing machine has stopped working :(
  • 0
    @FuckJava I somehow assumed that you designed and soldered that beast.

    Without schematics and source code it's likely not feasible to fix such bugs. And if you can't solder it yourself, the cheapest option would be China - but probably still not cheap.
  • 2
    @Oktokolo Yeah it cost me around $70 to order 5 PCBs from China... The most expensive part was the damn MCU at $4 a piece...
  • 2
    @FuckJava So you did indeed make it. That's good as it means you can actually fix it. If the timing isn't too finicky and the environment not too noisy, you might be able to "just" replace the two traces with wire to avoid the need for a new PCB and moving components.
  • 0
    Cool project. Flight instrumentation?

    You building a simulator or something?
  • 1
    @Wisecrack Flight simulator for personal use
  • 0
    @FuckJava fuck yes, that cool.
    You could even have a little radar for other planes if you wanted to.

    Any particular model of plane you have in mind?
  • 1
    @Wisecrack The simulator side of it works with X-Plane, so anything you load on X-Plane works here.

    Once I get this to work, I can think about adding TCAS to it. X-Plane supports TCAS, so shouldn't be complicated.
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