i tried implementing the mandelbrot set without tutorial.

ended up with this.

is this fractal known? if not, i guess i invented a fractal

  • 11
    No idea but looks pretty cool anyway.
  • 20
    Now we can replace the shity qr code with something cool
  • 2
    @convict3d holy! u gave me an idea what to do with dis
  • 9
    You can't invent a fractal. They already exist as mathematical objects. Unless you describe it mathematically and prove that it is a fractal, you just printed a cool figure.
    Sorry for being so rude 😂😂😂
  • 4
    @CyclingMatt do mathematical objects exist if they haven't been discovered?
  • 2
    LOL That looks really cool🤣
  • 3
    @Hedgepig why wouldn't they? A true theoreme is true whether or not a human wrote a proof of it.
  • 2
    @CyclingMatt truth != existence. Maths is invented, not discovered.
  • 2
    @CyclingMatt just to level with you, slightly playing devils advocate.

    The jury is still out as to whether math is innate and discovered, or purely invented.

    Definitely the language we use to describe the logic/mathematical concepts though
  • 3
    @Hedgepig I strongly disagree with you. Once you define the axiomes, mathematical truth follows. It's just a discovery. Make an analogy with cosmology: the fact that we never saw a planet around a star 6 billions light years from us doesn't mean that such planet doesn't exist. In the same way, the fact that we did not demonstrate something to be true does not mean that it's false or even non-existing. We shouldn't confuse real mathematical objects with the language we use to describe them. We sometimes invent methods to access new parts of the world, but the methods are tools, while the mathematical world is an always existing reality that cannot be modified (i.e. you can't invent contradictory objects).
  • 3
    I get your reasoning. Only the problem is the analogy doesn't really match up totally. Considering the difference between abstract concepts and a physical entity.
  • 2
    @CyclingMatt lol. no problem :P however, as someone told me, i messed up the concept of imaginary numbers so i think i have invented a fractal
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