
Started talking about Pi-Hole (still trying to install this fucker by the way) today with a collegue.

He had it installed and showed me around a little.

CW: Alright give me an example then I'll show you wildcard blocking.
Me: google.com 😅
CW: *enters and saves it. then tries to load anything related to google.com*

*no google.com domains load, all give a blocked error*

Me: Works great!
CW: Yup.
Me: Uhm so you aren't like surprised that I went with google.com as example and that I'd genuinely would block it?!
CW: No, why would I be?
Me: Well, most people consider me paranoid/crazy the second they find out I don't want to use google/google's services.
CW: well that's fucking retarded. why would anyone redicule you for not using something you don't want to use. You'll have your reasons.
Me: So if I'd say i do it for privacy reasons, you wouldn't find that redicilous?
CW: No, why would I? Not using google (and for that matter facebook etc) for privacy reasons is very logical really.


  • 2
    On what system are you trying to install pi-hole?
  • 3
    @cvonderstein VPS. Tried it on Centos/debian/ubuntu. It works on Ubuntu but not with ssl.
  • 5
    well.... this sorta opened my eyes to ur point of view....


    now should i disable location tracking or not....
  • 3
    @billgates For fucks sake whaaaaaat?

    [Paranoia Intensifies]
  • 2
    @Shisuki which whaaaat? are you referring to?

    yea this is sorta off-rantexcept i was too lazy to find a more fitting rant....
  • 4
    @billgates It's just that reading through what you linked got me all freaked out dude..

    @linuxxx Where you at with that privacy website? ಠ_ಠ
  • 1
    wish i had such colleague 😮😮😮
  • 1
    You should start using pfsense too

    Use a squid proxy with https splitting, quite nice
  • 3
    @Linux PFsense is on my list!
  • 3
    @Shisuki Not far enough :/. Working on the CMS backend api but hardly any time at the moment :(
  • 4
    @Shisuki @billgates might be a good idea (@Ashkin)
  • 2
    Oh, OPNsense is probably better :) the philosophy is good
  • 2
    @Linux Will take a look at that!
  • 2
    That's cool. Makes some things easier.

    Reminds me of most people at my university (well only the computer science department, to be precise). For example when I was doing a project with 3 other students our prof approached us and said something like: "You know, we can set up a teamspeak server for you, so that you are not forced to communicate over Whatsapp or Facebook which collect your data."

    While teamspeak is a 'interesting' choice for that regard, I appreciated the privacy aware attitude.
  • 3
    @theCalcaholic This, Everyone irl I know who uses signal uses it for me :)
  • 2
    @linuxxx I only used to know one person (my father) - who used it for me as all.

    But last week my sister in law and her husband got signal too, because some parents at their son's kindergarden demanded not rely on whatsapp for communication. Was pretty surprised when they popped up in my signal. :)

    To be fair they were using mainly Threema before...
  • 2
    I am always surprised how blocking Google and Facebook related domains break stuff all across the Web.
  • 3
    @flag0 Except for captcha's often not working, nearly everything works fine for me!
  • 1
    @linuxxx Many web pages use googleapis.com as CDN for their js frameworks.
  • 2
    @theCalcaholic True but there's an addon called Decentraleyes which replaces those requests with less data hungry cdn's
  • 2
    @linuxxx Nice! Good to know about it.
  • 0
    @aswarth I've worked with pihole for a while but not anymore since I'm using a general hosts file + firewall now :)
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