
I changed nothing but now it works.

It's been over one week since I started battling this bug. I guess I'm glad it's fixed, but how, and why?

  • 2
    Now you can spend a week trying to reproduce the error to figure out how to make sure it is really fixed 😬
  • 0
    It's gotta be a bind issue.
  • 0
    It was a lifetime problem in Rust (a mutable borrow which never expired, which was undesired). I came up with a hack that would "solve" the problem and it worked. Eventually I removed the hack and it still worked. Looking at the diffs now, I suspect there's just something about the behavior of the borrow checker/lifetimes that I didn't fully grasp (It's like learning pointers all over again).
  • 0
    You probably ran the clean function of your IDE at some point 😀
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