
It's very satisfying to setup Pi-Hole on a vps, point your dns to it, adding the words Facebook and Google to the wildcard blacklist and seeing that literally any request containing either one of those words gets blocked.

On the other hand, it's funny to see that devRant (devrantron) performs around 1k+ requests to devRant every 15 minutes.

  • 2
    how much more latency do you have using dns on your vps instead of your lan?
  • 3
    Can you share how to do it please? I'd like to block them too :)
  • 2
    @shelladdicted I don't even notice it tbh :)
  • 17
    @gitpush I'm actually planning on creating a pihole server which anyone can point their dns to :)
  • 2
    @linuxxx would be cool to do that thank you :)
  • 10
    @gitpush Before I release any ip address or so I'm just installing some anti brute force and firewalling stuff 😋
  • 2
    @linuxxx why am I not surprised XD I'd also be thankful if you share name of tools you know. I'm exploring Pi-hole now
  • 2
    @gitpush What kinda tools do you mean?
  • 2
    @linuxxx from your previous comment:
    anti brute force and firewalling stuff

    I am not looking for something big, just something for an end user to keep him self safe, I'm not going to deploy a simple firewall then access a hacking website where I can be hacked in seconds, just want to block few things, handle some firewall rules.
    if it was Windows I'd finish it in seconds but yet there are MS backdoors that are left unclosed. but now I'm on Ubuntu and feel clueless lol
  • 4
    Take a look at CSF!
  • 3
    @linuxxx added to list, this is gonna be a fun weekend.
    Meanwhile I'll just wait for that privacy website, remember, the one you need to finish :P
  • 3
    @Torbuntu lool mortals, perfect description 😂😂😂😂😂
  • 3
    @Torbuntu Awh thanks haha!
  • 2
    @gitpush you need that for servers, not your personal device.

    Noone can bruteforce your personal computer, if you don't open ports to the internet. If you do, each server software needs to be secured separately or you have to use some kind of middle ware (e. g. a reverse proxy).
  • 2
    @theCalcaholic I know man, but for the sake of learning. I have a docker cluster running at home for same reason. I'm always open to suggestions 😀
  • 2
    @gitpush Well, fail2ban is a good start, if you're on Linux. :)
  • 2
    @theCalcaholic note taken thanks 😀
  • 1
    @irene Yeah but I also want fb/google etc blocked :)
  • 3
    @linuxxx I only really need to block requests from the Microsoft PCs in my house and did that by editing the hosts files so far (everything else is done by my browser) - but I just learned that Windows 10 FUCKING WORKS AROUND THAT!

    So Pi-hole is going on my pi now - end of the discussion.
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