Today I learned a lesson from corporate survival 101.

The difference between get it done vs get it right.

Boss, manager always want to get it done, while developers always want to get it right, most of the time. If you don't listen to your boss, manager and insist get it right, will eventually cost your job. I saw many get it done code, either the dev moves to another team or already left. They avoid their own code forever.

Perhaps be a good student, not the smart student is a good way to survive. Thought????

  • 7
    I haven't worked in teams much, but I would say this is very insightful 😉
  • 6
    You can tell whether you should be on a team based on their decisions around this. A bad team with ALWAYS hurry postpone quality. An okay team will ALWAYS get it done "right". And a great team will always leverage their decision against a multitude of factors. I've worked in all environments.
  • 2
    I always try to go for get it done mostly correct and clean. I think as long as you try to follow a few rules in manageable code, you won't be kicking yourself as badly later.
  • 1
    If you are getting it right, you won't have to get it done.

    I am a boss and also the developer. Yes I want to get things done and that's why I always try to get things right in the first place. Starting from clients.
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