
Nice! I just found jsrant.com featured on the homepage of devrant! Thanks!

  • 1
    @ewpratten That's fine. To everyone their preference. I don't have to use either because a little bit of downtime is tolerated at work as long as we deliver good stuff.
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    @ThatDude not sure, jsrant is a website the other one just an mom module. Maybe jsrant uses the npm module on the server
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    @404response No npm involved here. jsrant is just a little application I used to learn angular 2 basics. I use the devrant api and made a little 'code formatted' template. It's all client site (and hosted on github pages)
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    @ChappIO ah ok, that's cool

    @ThatDude well it's not xD
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    @ewpratten oh don't worry, no insult taken. I never even expected anyone to care about the project. It was made as a joke because at the time I read a couple of rants about people who couldn't browse devrant at work.
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    @ewpratten yea sure. It's terrible though (and not hosted on https).
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    Ask and you shall receive

  • 2
    @ewpratten Now that's an idea I'll try to look into 😂👌 (the Google appearance idea)
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