
I actually tried going to the site but unfornately it doesn't exist.

Whoever decided to add this into the movie i am watching knows his Internet History

  • 1
    What movie?
  • 1

    Neko Atsume House


    Not related to Dev, just noticed this website on the guys laptop and went "this is genius naming/logoing"
  • 1
    what a weeb
  • 1
    @BindView ?
  • 1
    To show logo of a company, for example Apple, Google or Yahoo, in a movie or a TV show, production must have approval or even pay for license to use it.

    For example, I believe it was "2 and half Men" show if I am not mistaken, that had to cover Apple logo on the back of Mac book pros that were in some scenes.
  • 2
    @sinisas the fact he remembered Yahoo! was what I mean.

    This is essentially the Yahoo Japan logo with Google style coloring and they even remembered the !

    Maybe Yahoo is still popular in Japan.... dunno....
  • 1
    @billgates i myself use yahoo more often than google.
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