"Oh you make games!
Can you make something like Pokemon Go? We you need to make it quick cause we only have 10 days till the event."


  • 9
    I think people think that we have the source code of everything and we can just copy/paste.
  • 2
    @just-basic-user that or they think we are Gods. I mean you know the feeling after you have installed your first Arch Linux pc. After such a feat you can't help but feel godly. Sorry I couldn't think of an appropriate game dev analogy.
  • 0
    @MateTea42 Probably, but why aren’t they afrai... well I remembered a ssh story of mine, I think they find us gods.
  • 3
    They are afraid. I remember reading a few rants about people thinking that using a terminal is the same as entering "God Mode" where we developers gain the power to access any device possible.
  • 3
    ... without authentication
  • 1
    @MateTea42 well. It's technically true.
    The NSA confirms that.
  • 1
    they use a terminal... I did not know this.

    Back to the school story: Most are afraid because they know how insecure their infrastructure is. I could go into detail about what causes this but I would rather not.
  • 1
    Or the retards that think it's click and dragging to make games
  • 1
    Also that person asked me if we can connect to the Pokemon Go servers and get their data about current Pokemon locations and stuff ?
  • 1
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