Do you ever feel like the world around you is falling apart and the more you try to grasp onto something, that piece brakes off as well? I need change...

  • 6
    Hang in there buddy
  • 3
    If you grab everything you can build something with all the pieces. Like scrambled eggs but with life.
  • 2
    Yeah - the bitch thing is life moves in slow motion. Right in the moment when I need to know shit is solid.
  • 2
    I hate when this is said to me but, after a moment I know it to be true: When you feel depressed or down take a step back and observe yourself. Understand how and why you feel the way you do, then take a step forward with that clarity and try and rectify it.
  • 0
    Thanks, everyone.

    Putting my applications in today... Hopefully I’ll be signing on with an oilfield company as an IT specialist.

    Made my first resume in a while yesterday and left out a lot of information due to anxiety lol. I felt conceded talked about myself. 😂😭
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