When you write a manual in markdown about "HOW-TO use this program"....

Kill me

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    What's the problem with Markdown? It's not WYSIWYG but still minimal unlike HTML. And it's still html compatible for more tricky stuff
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    What's this about? I love markdown... And I don't know if you noticed, but the Readme in nearly every GitHub or open source project in general has the file extension .md which stands for (well, you can guess)...
    Also as a "little" sidenote: I'm sure you visited the website Wikipedia.org before, didn't you?
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    @MatiasConTilde @ng1905 @SHA-16384
    MD isn't the point here. The point is that I am making the manual about HOWTO use this program. And currently it is 23 pages long.
    (I reduced to 15 pg tho)
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