
Today it was revealed that the dutch government doesn't even fucking use SPF records for their email. Someone found out by sending an email in the dutch's govt name and it actually fucking worked.

I hope they fire the people responsible for NOT implementing the most BASIC FUCKING EMAIL SECURITY/VALIDITY MEASURES IN FUCKING HISTORY.

Incompetent cocksucking motherfucking fucks.

  • 20
    Invading the privacy of other ones to get their data and having bad security themselves, morons
  • 9
    I fucking cringed when I red it online. How can you be so stupid. Its supposed to be 100% secure.
  • 8
    Wow... That's just sad
  • 7
    It's really, really bad. It even applies to the AIVD, the Dutch intelligence agency.
  • 6
    Hahhaha looks. like government is the same shit around the world, no wonder we, as a species, are doomed :)
  • 0
    Yeah they all suck.
    Luckily we go 4 Chan, check out there capture the flag. Cia NSA aivd fsb ai t got shit on 4 chan
  • 4
    The swiss government has its own identity provider... let's just say they did not validate the certificates. Sadly I only have a german news article on hand.
  • 0
    And if we are talking about mass surveillance... do you guys know Sesame Credit? This is a new level IMO
  • 1
  • 1
    @linuxxx I am on mobile and it's a lot to type.
    China plans to set up a social scoring system based on surveillance data.
    They plan to make the account mandatory until 2020.

    The interesting thing is that Alibaba owns a good share of the company providing the soft- and hardware for the system
  • 1
    @linuxxx for more information please search yourself
  • 0
    People (and especially clients!) are astonishingly ignorant on SPF. It´s a running joke at work that when a client has email-trouble that I´m instantly betting that they have no SPF on their domain or is it misconfigured.

    DNS-providers should IMO educate their clients on SPF.
  • 1
    @needToRoll Oh yeah I read about that one
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