
The moment you realize you're just good at googling and not an expert in programming...

That's when the internet connectivity is down!

  • 4
    @theScientist Maybe if the git is internet free
  • 6
    Yeah, me too. I'm either Ducking it or searching through my old scripts for the last time I did that thing.
  • 8
    Haha if internet is out at work?

    Then I can be found with a grilled cheese sandwich and apple juice sitting in a beanbag, gently swinging my arms, crumbs all over my shirt, deliriously giggling at my coworkers.

    If it lasts more than 15 minutes, I might have built a nest out of display cables and turned feral.

    And I'm what they call a "senior" or "tech lead". That's a title which means you have optimized your search queries, and have become even more dependent on connectivity.
  • 0
    Oh fuck, love the comments too. So exhilarating. Fuck Google, Fuck Stackoverflow, I'm a programmer. A good one!
  • 1
    On the other note, the feeling's great when your workplace proxy is down and you only discover it after 5h+ of coding :D
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