
interview from the other side. A month ago I was looking for frontend dev for team I lead.
Now I believe that it was a nightmare for one guy, whos bio was full of js, angular and a little of php. Thought that he will be the man we were looking for.
Nope. I've started with classic (I suppouse) questions, like call and apply difference. Guy couldn't even manage to say a word. Went to bubbling, nothing. Ok sth easier, hoisting... Maybe at least you're minifying your code? donno what is. Ok so what you actually did from js? "I know jQuery, did something in this, and did full angular app to build forms, store and send them", but after question what Factory is he covered his face in hands, went still for about three minutes and probably would start to cry but we stopped this. I feel sorry for this guy, but he applied for senior frontend position.

  • 1
    oh jeez, sounds devastating
  • 1
    Same here. Searched for a frontend guy and got a resumè which seems to fit not just frontend but fullstack, but the last two years he was working just in javascript and frontend.
    During the interview it turned out that in the two years he was working on some existing mobile app based on Cordova. If there were any change in the underlying C++/Java code, he updated the UI. We tried to ask more and more easy questions but he did not know the difference between == and ===, did not hear about 'var' keyword and so on.
  • 0
    yea its very common problem in our country (asummed from your nick) they think "I'll manage" but they won't. everybody thinks they know frontend 'cause its easy but it appears not. :-)
  • 2
    @mort I am from Hungary but yeah, same shit 😀
  • 0
    well ok :D so its global :P
  • 2
    India. Same shit.
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    I read this exact same rant from another person about a week ago and it is almost word for word the same thing. Either you copied this or it is one hell of a coincidence.
  • 0
    @donkeyScript well i think that every company had story like this
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