
It's 9 at night, I am finally logging off and my project manager sends me a qa report I have been waiting on for a week

He decided we need to launch today, I have a list of bugs to fix and I am falling asleep

I fix all the bugs in record time, send him the preview link and of course he doesn't respond, now I am gonna blow a deadline, get everyone pissed and possibly lose my job

This is not the first time this has happened, I have had this at every job I have ever worked at, project managers seem to think that I somehow know about the bugs before they tell me and expect it to be fixed as soon as they tell me about it, they will take their sweet time answering my inquiries but if I dare miss a call or not report within 10 minutes I will lose my job

Fuck this shit, I don't need food that badly

  • 4
    If they don't stay around to check it's fixed, it's because their boss doesn't consider it urgent, and therefore, you shouldn't consider it urgent either.
  • 1
    I'd everything is urgent, nothing is. Can they really fire for missing one launch date or do they just like complaining a lot?
  • 6
    I love those! Nothing says "please respect my personal time" better than replying with "thanks, I'll have a look in the morning" and logging off IF this activity hasn't been agreed in advance.

    Since I started doing so, the number of surprise overtimes has dropped to ~1-2/year [real emergencies].
  • 1
    quit quit quit! down with the establishment!
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