
I wish I would disappear

  • 2
    No dude, you got shit to do. If you are looking for a sign then this is the world saying "we have plans for you".

    Now spill it, if you can, what is troubling you?
  • 2
    I'm with you on that feeling OP. I wanna crawl into my bed and never return some days (today 😞)

    I hope you have an inspiring morning x
  • 0
    @MammaNeedHummus update: today was better after the 2 hour wander 🙂
  • 1
    @Demolishun career dead ended I’ve worked so hard yet seem to be going backwards professionally and financially.
  • 1
    @easyrhino I feel you. I am thinking I need a good side hustle to move forward.
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