I don't care if you're a friend, acquaintance, or we fucking knew each other in high school!

If I fucking agree to do some free work for you, feel fucking happy about it! Don't fucking ask for more work or demand work or give me fucking deadlines just because you know me!

I'm doing you a fucking favor! Do you want me to send you the fucking invoice? I don't care if you're on a budget, I agreed to help you out, but don't you dare fucking cross the line!

  • 15
    Sorry I just had to take this out. I love doing free work for friends/family and so on. But if someone shows up after 5 years of not talking to me.. Asking for free work.. I may agree, but don't start adding stuff to the pile mate!
  • 3
    i can understand that feeling soo fucking annoying
  • 4
    @uziiuzair dude I want to give you a sticker. Amen to the tenth degree
  • 3
    Best rant today!
  • 1
    a fucking men
  • 0
    I feel you man 😢 I'm working for such a relative
  • 0
    @uziiuzair I understand you totally. I love to code so I agree to do lot of free stuff for friends. But don't fucking give me deadlines!! Fuck you!!
  • 1
    Had an argument with my dad about exactly this today
  • 2
    What I do is hard, and if you can't get that through your thick skull I'd like you to sit down and try your hand at what I do for a living.
  • 1
    i don't work for free, period.
  • 0
    @nerd-san or family members. These sound like my new rules for life
  • 0
    I butchered that sentence a little, I mean: don't work for free or for family members.
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