
As developers, I feel like we as a community need to really work on our grammar/spelling.

Example: scroll down...

  • 3
    Can't really blame anyone. There is no edit option as of now.
  • 5
    I don't blame anyone either. Not everyone here has English as their native language.
  • 1
    Also mobile interfaces are not famous for their accurate text input ;)
  • 3
    Since when did developers need to be perfect spellers, we spend most of our time writing code not authoring books.
  • 0
    Not everyone here is a native English speaker! This community welcomes the entire world! Sometimes you need to overlook spelling errors
  • 0
    I think people are getting a bit too passionate about the subject 🙂 let's keep it chill <3
  • 2
    @marcel - this was not meant as some kind of quasi-race bait statement, so please do not try and make it one.

    I just appreciate proper spelling and good grammar. Especially when reading a good rant. When there are misspellings and other issues, it sometimes makes it hard to follow along with what is being conveyed, which sucks when it's a great rant!

    Also, I agree that OUR community does do one of, if not, THE BEST job of welcoming the entire world (I mean we did invent the Internet after all), and I love that!

    So please remember the old adage before you comment: "when you ASSUME, you make an ASS out of U and ME"

    I even misspelled "you" for you ;)
  • 4
    grammer/spelling is that a new framework :p
  • 1
    *grammar ;)
  • 1
    @smontana When there is no edit button, it can be fairly difficult to ensure correct spelling and grammar. Especially since the phone usually has a tiny keyboard and a bad autocorrect.

    The day the edit button gets implemented will be a great day.
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