
!Rant but kind of a rant.

So I’m currently throwing around the idea of building a messaging application for iOS just to practice coding and what not. It seems like I do a lot of work on it like making sure the login screen works and other stuff but I get burned out pretty easily.

Any tips on how to not get burned out as easily when starting a new project?

  • 1
    Break it out into small chunks and set a goal to do one small bit X nights a week. Watch it snowball. Profit.
  • 1
    @unity thanks for the input!!!
  • 2
    This is where the agile methodology comes in: Focus on value.

    How does a chat application provide value? Well it allows users to communicate with eachother. So that's what you create first. A simple text box that sends messages to someone else.
    In that case you wouldn't worry about styling, authentication or user membership.

    Once you have the 'value' down you can start incrementally improving on the product. These can be tiny steps like @unity said. For instance, focus on styling for a week. Then try to implement a login form which accept any credential but allows users to pick a username. Etc... Etc...
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