
Holding off the website launch date because IE 8 isn't compatible! Can't wait for IE to be discontinued!

  • 3
    No self respecting client or agency supports 8. 9 and up.
  • 2
    I thought 8 was no longer being updated by Microsoft
  • 0
    8 is discontinued. We still support it for our company because our analytics indicate some of our big tuna customers still use it. So just because you aren't technically obligated to support it doesn't mean you can get away with not supporting it.
  • 0
    Well, touché
    A responsive site shouldn't support it though. It is counter productive.
  • 0
    @lewdogg We are responsive but since most mobile browsers support media queries we are desktop first. So we never had to focus on responsive for IE8. Nor do we care. As far as supporting mobile browsers that don't support media queries that is counter productive. ;)
  • 1
    Bro, I absolutely love having a conversation with someone called baconface... Thanks for completing my weekend.
  • 0
    The way I see it is this, supporting IE 8 is not considered bad practice because it's been discontinued. So supporting it is encouraging your customers or you clients customers to use it which is a security problem.

    So in my opinion best practice is to not support IE 8 any longer and encourage everyone else to move away from it
  • 1
    Well said, plus it's ugly.
  • 0
    Don't you just love it?
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