

I don't want the girls that want me; I want the ones that don't

Why do I always do things the hard way?

  • 2
    What's wrong with the girls that like you? 🤔
  • 1
    Maybe you're not really attracted to them? I friendzone girls who show more interest in me than i do, maybe I'm selfish.. i don't have any other reasonable explanation
  • 5
    The answer kinda lies in your statement.

    Nature of having the luxury of choice & wanting what one cannot easily get :p
  • 1
    Don't worry, me too.
  • 1
    @b3b3 I used to make up all kinds of reasons, now I think those reasons were dumb
  • 0
    @lotd Even knowing that I still make things difficult. It hones my skills, but sometimes it's too much.
  • 1
    Yep, you'll find a girl who also likes hard things from you :)
  • 0
    but it's not only you that struggle with this weird trick the mind is playing on you, girls do too. so, for the past months I've been trying to get girls way out of my league (so I thought) by just pretending I don't want them. they were so used to guys instantly liking them and buying them stuff that an asshole like me was something really interesting aaaaaand hard to get! so they felt for it. start using it as an exploit of the human mind, not as a bug of yours.
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