
If u were teaching ur son/daughter developing and program how would u go about it ?
Me i would get him/her interested and let them find there own way it more fun this way

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    I wouldn't do it unless they we're interested in the first place. Everytime I learn something new or explore something on a computer, I get a feeling that can't really be explained in one comment, and if they can't feel that, then it would just be dreaded and forced.
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    The first thing I would do is making them realize how important programming is. For example, I would explain to them that computers can do some things in a matter of seconds which we humans would take years to do. Would give an example of multiplication of very large numbers and show them how easy it is for computers.

    If they were old enough, then would make them fascinated about algorithms by giving them an example of binary search in a telephone directory or a dictionary.

    Then maybe show them high level things like mobile applications or beautiful web applications and how they can make them as well.

    If all this fascinates them, we wouldn't even need to do anything. They would find their own way.
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    It’s the “making it interesting” part that is hard to do.
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    But kids or teenagers have a hard time finding what the will be "obsessed" about u rule as parent is to guide them and show them those interesting stuff @BitFlipped
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    @faroyk I'ma be honest, I don't know what language you are speaking
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    Sorry dud my english is f***ed up
    What i was trying to say is the role of a parent is to show there kids intresting stuff because it may take someone there entire life without finding that one thing that they love hope u understand @BitFlipped
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