Wise people of devrant (yeah, I know, oxymoron) I need your advice. I had a well paying job as a senior FE engineer at a startup but our product became obsolete after the latest AI advances so I was laid off. I've been trying to find something at the same salary I was earning for the past 2 months but I see that it's difficult. Latest attempt was for a team lead position but I failed that. When I failed I saw that the same company opened up a FE Engineer position and I asked if I can apply for that one. Recruiter said that I could but for a salary that's 25% less than my previous one. From this I understood that they like me, but maybe my technical level was too low for team lead. It's kind of a lowball offer and I'm not strapped for cash, but the salary they're offering is still very high for my country. On one hand, I'm dealing with some mental health issues these days so I'd like the reduced stress and responsibilities of a lower level position. On the other hand, I worry that I'll feel resentment and look to move in a year or two. If they gave me 10% more I would be happy and accept. Should I try to negotiate? Should I keep looking?

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    The plot twist is that this company is the employer of record my previous company used so they know what salary I made, down to the last cent.
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    Take the job. Moonlight 🤠
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    @coldfire That's a good idea. I met a guy lately from the next town that wanted to start a side business making websites. If my mental health improves I can do that.
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    If they offered less than you asked for then definitely negotiate. If they offered what you asked for but you now want more - that's much more likely to backfire, I wouldn't, personally.
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    You can take it if you want while you keep looking for something better.
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    Nah never accept lower salary, never
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    @jsframework9000 If they check your old salary through their client's data... that would be very ilegal in Europe, but no one would bat an eye outside of it.

    Anyway, I think you should avoid searching too much if it is damaging mental health, and get the job. You can stabilize your stuff and moonlight searching for your next opportunity.
    Aaaand, it is possible that the company that hires you to a non-leading position will promote you anyway, in some time. I've seen this "we do not hire for leading positions, we promote from within" policy time and time again.
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    Update: I tried to negotiate a week ago with the excuse that I had way more experience than the 3+ years they asked for in the job description. I adked for 12% more than their max price so they would offer something like 5-7%. They haven't answered and also changed the job description to say "significant experience" instead of "3+" years. It seems I've played and lost but I would regret it if I didn't try negotiating.
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    Another update: I got an answer, negotiation failed.
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    "Wise people of devrant (yeah, I know, oxymoron) I need your advice. I had a well paying job as a senior FE engineer at a startup but our product became obsolete after the latest AI advances"

    Theres your answer, go work in the AI sector.
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    @Wisecrack I'm interviewing for an ai company that makes chatbots for enterprise but I just saw that Amazon Q was announced.
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    @jsframework9000 1. write unity scripts that write npc dialogue/ behaviors, 2. as a glue layer to get or whatever. 3. Sell as a plugin on unity store. 4.??? 5. Profit!!!!!111!
    Why worl for the man, when you can be the man.
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