
I fucking feel like doing so

  • 2
    ... still gets "so call me maybe" right into mental playback xD
  • 4
    It's almost like "i'm just calling you to say that i can't talk right now" and hanging up, heard someone random doing it on a train
  • 1
    I'm sure gonna do that from now on. Thanks for this 😂😂
  • 3
    I'd love getting a simcard with dataplan only and no voice.
  • 1
    @Elkstorm data usage for voice and texting are the same, from the technical end, I thought. I remember reading about this somewhere because initial charges over text messaging were BS because the telecoms didn't have to do anything to support it. It's all on the device itself.
  • 1
    @LiquorFueled Yes sms services was a great cash cow. But I'm mostly concerned with not having the "phone" part of my phone no matter the technical sides :)
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