
We just got a 3d printer!

I'm thinking a DevDuck next?

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    @ignuit wouldn't be much of a stress ball though, it's as hard as a rock 😂
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    @coolq If you throw it at someone who annoys you it will relieve stress.
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    @TerriToniAX Daang, that would hurt!
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    I want to see the DevDuck!
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    @catintroholic I'll post it once I've printed it, is there a model I can get?
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    Was it expensive?
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    Great! Now; Get into robotics (I'm personally a fan of hexapods, and other legged land-drones) and you can print of parts!

    Then, build an army of self-aware murdurous mini-bots to take over the world! (Picture in your head: A huge flood of mini hexapods, running down the streets like a swarm of Replicators from Star Track.)
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    And you can design them however you'd like! :D

    If you make them large enough, you can put little lazer rifles on them. While not deadly, they can set things on fire, blind people, and give burns that can send you to the hospital! (all powered by RC batteries :3)

    WOW I've put way too much thought into this..
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    Ohh, I forgot to mention... That dragon is cute as hell!!!!! D;
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    @irene :o send link
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    Depends on the laser, depends on the battery. Even depends on how you connect them. But, for the most part, you are correct. But for small(ish) ground drones, this seems like a good solution. I've also been looking into power cells that can passively generate power. It's not perfect, and can't be relied upon (and can't be used for specific battery times, like RC batteries, as they are consitered unstable), but they do not require external input like light to generate power. Also, laser weaponry doesn't require amunition (it requires power, which can be resupplied on-the-go without human interaction). And in numbers, lasers can do serious damage to organic life.

    This is only one solution.

    The bots could also be fitted to self destruct, or have some other more powerful self-defence system in place that could go off when they die, or when tampered with.
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    Do keep in mind, that the power system for the weapons will be sepperate from the main system. And I would like the weapon controller to be on that different system as well. This way, if the bot shutsdown, the weapons will still work. And if the weapons shutdown, the bot can still operate.
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    (Reply to C4) My first thought as well, but that's hard to get your hands on.. So I would probably make some low-grade home-made exslosive that's just powerful enough to destruct the bot. That, or a unique defense system that I haven't thought of yet, that will leave the bot intact, so I can (hopefully) recover it, while discouraging theves.
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    I would rather be in a remote location.
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    @Cyanite why not poison?
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    @irene @alanbal888

    OHH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!

    THIS IS BEAUTIFULLL q.q..... <3


    Needs a better laser, though.
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    Requires to much power. I would barely be able to use it.

    Love the video though, seen it before.
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    This should due nicely. In this example, it's already powered by battery packs. It's size and weight comes mostly from the prop it'self, I could compact it much much more, as well as focus the laster inter a smaller higher focus beam.
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    I've got it! I could use a thermite bomb (highly stable, delayed reaction.. so less likly that I'll get hurt during testing.) that could propperly destroy the bot without damaging sarounding bots. And.. who would want to risk going near THAT to fetch burning/melting tech..

    I think that's a valid option for a terminal defense protocol.
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    And thus the rant rat was born..
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    @Cyanite I like the way you think 😄
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    Why thank you~
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    Sorry @coolq for taking over your rant, That's a bad habit of mine. :D

    (Serously: Cute dragon, though! <3)
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    This whole thread is neat
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    @Cyanite I was referring to the army of mini robots taking over the neighbourhood 😆
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    I figured you meant my (militarized) creative mind in general. ^~^

    Ohh! Disclaimer: I do not condone the usage of explosives, dangerous reactive compounds, or blood seaking AI drones.

    Or acid. Though, that wasn't my idea anyways. Acid is just a stupid idea. Sorry @irene. :P
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    Good luck, you're going to become addicted to 3d printing now. Welcome to the cult.
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    @coolq I'm not at home right now but I do have a model of a devrant stress ball (an the devrant logo). I can upload them if you still haven't found one :P
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    The printer was about 299$(AUD, about 0.70$ of 1$ USD). And the PLA costs about 20$ AUD for 1kg.

    Muhaha! An army of little bug things 😄

    Yeah, and I'm tasked with taking over the world with them I, need as much motivation as I can get 😂

    While the Dragon is cute, I have to say it's looking a little mischievous while it's at it.

    Fair enough. You can get this printer too if you want, it's called the "cocoon create modelmaker".

    I've seen those mirrors too, they look awesome!

    I don't mind, rants are rants! Let's rant about little bugs that we can use to take over the world with termite bombs and lasers!

    You're right, there's just so many things I want to print, and I'm sure more things will pop into my head.

    Well I think the DevDuck would be best but if you want to take some pics of the stress ball then go ahead! I can't guarantee that I'll print it, but it would be appreciated!
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    Apparentally, the miliary created a special (more "angry") thermite called thermate, which reacts faster and at lower tempatures (can be set off more easily - not a bad thing), and reacts more violently, and gets hot enough to melt steel. >:3
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    Sounds like the one for us!
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    Mhmm! I've found a website called https://www.tinkercad.com where I can create 3D models and play around with circuits (and combine the two!) and I should be able to simulate a heapod with this. The software is advanced enough.
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    @Cyanite Haha, awesome!

    Send it to me when you're done!
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    @coolq @vtepe

    Created project "BackFire", and started working with Arduino's.

    First time working in a C language in a long time.. (It's not giving me any emotional issues, I think I can actually do this.. - If you don't know what I'm talking about, don't bring it up.)

    Managed to get a servo to turn to different °'s when I pressed 0-9 on a remote.
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    @Cyanite Nice! Backfire is a cool name 👍
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    @coolq @vtepe

    All of my experimental "projects" have "fire" in the name. (firecoder.. bluefire.. fireware.. etc..) It's actually a nice little easter egg, though only I know the meaning behind it xD

    "Where there's smoke, there's fire."
    "Where there's an idea, there's room for innovation."
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    Holy cow, I wish I had a naming convention like that! Maybe I'll think of one... One day...
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    Also, BackFire! Because creating a self-aware robotic bug and giving it weapons (that don't require ammunition, mind you..) is obviously a good idea!
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    @Cyanite So, you're behind Firefox? And FireWire? ;)
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    Uhhh... I'm... Not.. Actually... Allowed to discuss that...
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    @Cyanite Coming to think of it, "fire" should be my naming convention given that my family name (no, it's not Mr Burns) stems from the fact that my 16th century ancestors practiced fire–fallow cultivation.
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    No! Bad Dobby! D: Don't steal my name!
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    Ehh... More like "Mass Nusances" They wont be powerful enough to "battle" anything.

    They could probably kill a small animal (If I follow my design plans), but I doubt they could do much more than blind, burn, or annoy anything larger.

    They are intended to be released as a swarm in a "zone" as a diversion, for a larger attack by larger bots (likely hovering drones, or large UGVs (probably on tank treads)) With their size, they could probably be dropped in pods if they were built sterdy enough, and stealth wasn't a concern.
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    Don't you find it the least bit concerning of how well I've plotted this out..?
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    You should add me on Telegram! I'm also an aspiring writer with a god complex(literally..). ;D
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    @Cyanite how can I check out the BackFire?
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    "the BackFire" lol.

    First, open the Chrome and go on the Google and type in "tinkercad project BackFire". I set it to the public so it should show up.
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    I can talk enough for both of us.. ;D

    Later though, I have a date~
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    @irene we're watching some woman cook on twitch D: I've surprisingly never really watched cooking shows, but they're something that would interest me. Not sure if I will like it or not. Ah well. I'll watch it anyways. :P
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    //totally wasn't mocking you//
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    I used to spend a lot of time on Twitch. I stopped not be because it was bad, I just kind of forgot 😯
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    Why would you be mocking me?
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    You called it "the" BackFire xD
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    It's one of a kind, why not 😤
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    That is just sooo wrong. Makes as much sense as "the Google" "the git" "the Chrome"... (last one could work in an auto shop)
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    @Cyanite yeah true, does sound pretty bad. Ahhh well, looks like it's time to go back to "the drawing board" 😼
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    Lol XD "Project BackFire" is good. :P
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