Wtf!? Clowns wants to, again, move me up the ladder. They don’t care. I am starting to think they have an evil plan for me in play here. Step 1) promote so high that noone really knows what the fuck I am doing. I am just name on a paper. And in the meetings. And then, 2) fire my ass

Have not accepted this job position. Yet. But I’ll guess I’ll take it. I can always go back to coding. Haven’t coded for a year now!

I think there must be some sort of evil play here. Am I that incompetent?

Do I want to be Chief Supreme Structural Architect Commander? Wtf!? Clowns…

All bow for the Chief Supreme Structural Architect Commander! I got principles and guidelines! Pff…

  • 1
    fall guy, or you're suffering from a severe case of imposter syndrome commiserate with your talents.
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