
Decided to quit coffee today.

Already have a headache... That's gonna be a great weekend 😒

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    ... this must be the saddest day of your life...
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    Quitting cofee is like quitting breathing.

    Sooner or later you need to breath.
    Sooner or later you will need that sweet dweet delicious life sustaining dark liquid.

    Strangely caffeine tablets sound uninteresting. I mean half my enjoyment is from flavour(or lack there of)
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    Perhaps try to gradually tone it down, say half the amount you drink normally the first week, a quarter the week after, and then try to quit.

    Also, try to replace drinking coffee with drinking water, or tea instead
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    This sounds like a awesome and at the same time horrible idea... stay strong
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    @Torbuntu @teganburns I am drinking soo much coffee that I find myself with chest pains and I'm afraid of literally being poisoned by it.

    We have some strong motherfucking coffee here.
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    @corjaantje I don't work like that, unfortunately.

    Its either all or nothing. That's how I quit smoking 9 years ago.

    But thanks.
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    @ThatDude I tried that already, reduced for two cups a day... And suddenly I'm all desperate drinking coffee like I wanna die 😂
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    @azous That's very nice! Try to drink water instead of coffee when you would normally get a cup, so you atleast keep yourself busy
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    @irene lol, that leads to a lot of new problems 😂
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    @irene Coffee is wayyyyyyyy more addicting than alcohol. But hey I could eat s diet with zero fiber and be fine.
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    @azous I don’t think your gonna be poisoned by at at the amounts your drinking. You’ll have the mega shits long before it affects your heart. I just can’t take the flu like withdrawals from caffeine.
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    @needToRoll yea every few weeks I think for an hour or two “I’m so tired of being controlled by Coffee” then I remember how bad the withdrawals are...
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    @jeeper sorry, cant understand what you said
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    Did you make it? @azous
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    Hahahah nah but the will is there 😂😂 @needToRoll
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    @azous that's what I expected (I freaking love coffee) and sorry for coming back with this question but I accidentally clicked on your profile while checking the notification (thanks for the ++ btw), I saw this rant and I was like did he really do that?
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    Haha not yet , maybe I can manage it at the last half of december, I'm gonna have 10 days off @needToRoll
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