
Why had I woken up today at all?

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    Because the Sun is a deadly laser.
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    @SoldierOfCode not anymore, there's a blanket!
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    You're living in a dream world Neo.

    Aside from that if you gotta sleep, go back to sleep. Going without sleep is the most overrated bullshit in the post-modern era.

    Sleep is rebellion against a civilization that has lost its soul pursuing things which never had any to begin with.
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    I don't know exactly what you're going through, but I can relate.
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    @SidTheITGuy just lost any sight of the future whatsoever. Not just now, but a while ago
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    @iiii It's fine man, we all go through ups and downs in our life.

    But remember, it only gets worse and worse each year and it ain't getting better.

    *goes to a corner and starts shivering*
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    @SidTheITGuy it actually could get better under a specific condition
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    @iiii If you're hinting at nukes, then yeah you got the spirit.
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    @SidTheITGuy not nukes, but nukes would be fine too
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    @Wisecrack Sleep. I’m chronically sleep deprived.
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    @Root Grab a dice and roll it. Just so you know you're not so sleep deprived that you create a fully immersive world in ur head.
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    @SidTheITGuy I can do that anyway. Maybe I’m unknowingly a Cylon.
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