  • 4
    Congratulations man 👍
  • 4
    You get full encouragement from me 👍
  • 2
    Nice, what do you do?
  • 2
    You hiring?
  • 0
    @lucaIO we build POS systems (point if sale), where we use the same database for every system (including webshop, tablets e.t.c.).
  • 0
    @Cyanide are you located in the Netherlands?
  • 0
    Thanks for all your support!!
  • 1
    congrats mate, well done!
  • 1
    @GieltjE Nope. Just asking. What skills are you hiring?
  • 1
    @jAsE wow, good fact for his self-confidence xD
  • 0
    @jAsE been around for 7 years now, 9 colleagues so far, think we'll be ok :)
  • 0
    @Cyanide on the software front either decent php or c# both preferably combined with a decent db knowledge and good deductive skills.

    Actually prefer people somewhat on the autistic side for that ;)
  • 0
    @jAsE sure whats your skillset?
  • 0
    @Condor sorry, not big enough yet to offload those tasks will need to do so, hopefully soon as that means we've grown a lot)
  • 0
    @jAsE where are you located (roughly)
  • 0
    @jAsE sure, just move over to the Netherlands, you get to celebrate christmass in the freezing cold here :)
  • 0
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  • -1
    Thanks for picking out the time to discuss this. It is extremely helpful for me. Thanks for such a valuable help again.
  • 0
    It is important that the target visitors attracted to your site by an SEO specialist become your real customers and make purchases from you more than once, read more interesting cases here https://easypromosapp.com/blog/en/... . And here the organization of sales in your company plays a huge role.
  • 0
    Business is a great responsibility hard work! This site helps in our development and business!
  • 0
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  • 0
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  • 1
    We’re planning to introduce digital signage in our business premises. What are some of the best software options that offer ease of use, reliability, and versatile content management?
  • 1
    It's crucial to choose software that is stable, easy to use, and provides flexible content management when integrating digital signage into a business. In my experience, Display NOW Digital Signage Manager is a good option. Remote content administration is made possible with this technology, making it simple to update displays from anywhere. Using https://displaynow.io/pricing, you can stream or create a playlist, upload your media, and connect it to a screen. With the simple UI, obtaining what you want only requires a few clicks. I've discovered that it offers a great deal of flexibility in content management and is rather dependable.
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