
Hello family,

what do you think about publishing unfinished apps? I dont mean beta versions, but apps where you could implement more features bit by bit. So the main app is fully functional, but you could implement more and more..
So what's your opinion?
thanks fam

  • 1
    a mvp (minimal viable product) can be good. Just remember nobody cares for your product only the "pain" you take away with your solution.

    tipp search on www.medium.com about MVP
  • 1
    Oh you mean "apps that are in Beta stage which you later one will have new features added in the future™"? I mean if It does mostly what it says it does, I think is rather ok
  • 2
    @heyheni wow what an productive answer. thanks mate.
  • 0
    @legionfrontier hmm yeah but not the "1 year later future" i mean for example every 1-2 weeks you add more features and "complete" it
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