My everyday piece of WTF

  • 3
    I like the part with
    mar;margin: ...
    the most.
  • 2
    It smells rather specified in here

    Have the same thing for our CMS theme, not made by myself, nothing works when placing common elements anywhere else on page. And using # selectors are a pain for that matter...
  • 2
    @Phlisg Luckily I don't have to create new elements, just do small changes, so I just find element selecor in console and then search with IDE.
  • 0
    Ah in that case click on the selector name, copy it and paste it in IDE (if you're not doing that already) @lamka02sk :D
  • 5
    You're telling me someone took the time to write this and it isn't some LESS/SASS compiled output?
  • 1
    @Phlisg Yeah, I am, I am lazy as fuck :D
  • 2
    @Wack believe it or not, I was staggered when I learned our theme developer did not use any of those preprocessors :/
  • 2
    No line breaks? 😨 No space after semicolon? 😱
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