Fuck all you piece of shit js frameworks. Not js! Just the frameworks

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    JS stands for Just Shit
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    js AND the frameworks.

    it's shit stacked on top of shit stacked on top of shit.

    it's shit all the way down.
  • 5
    It's intriguing how hate brings people together
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    Fuck JS, we're just forever stuck with decades of shitty design because backward compatibility and shit. We were promised web assembly what, over a decade ago and we're still using fucking react.
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    @ScriptCoded It's the only thing we all have in common, really :)
  • 3
    Let's make NoScript mandatory on all browsers and it will die!
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    @electrineer I get webpages that crash tabs. How fucked up can you code be to do that? I had reddit crashing tabs once in a while. Finally did an update to Firefox and it seems to have gone away.
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    @electrineer i agree. let's go back to web documents being _documents_ - and define a _separate_ standard for apps.

    or. not define. just use the glorious revelation that is webassembly.
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    @tosensei let me compile my <language> to JS, then compile it to webassembly. Why does this actually exist?! lol
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    woah, I think I just stumbled into a room full of the devrant elite. Sorry gentlemen, I’ll see myself out ➡️
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    @Jason says a person named after Javascript object notation
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