
My company is (supposedly) all about collaborative work, pair programming, getting on calls and cRaCKinG tHinGs ToGEtheR. Also (and rightfully so) we’re not supposed to approve any PRs if tests weren’t created/updated.
Of course that applies to all but the old timers in the company who simply act like lone cowboys. They fall off the face of the earth for two-three days then reappear with monster PRs full of untested code.

Leave it up to the plebe then to try to make sense of the mess they’ve created, to challenge them with the fact that the PRs are lacking tests (only to be met with excuses about not having anymore time to spend on the subject).
Reprimand the plebe for not reviewing PRs thoroughly enough. Leave it up to them to fix the resulting bugs.

I’ve lost all trust in our managers, tech leads, lead devs and their guidelines and rules that only apply to others but rarely to themselves. These people that then have the audacity to criticize the tech team in it’s entirety for not being rigorous enough in its processes.
Fuck them all

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    @ostream alright CTOtard
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    @ostream that's bs
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    Paired programming is simply babysitting for bad developers.
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    @ostream sorry was saying not writing tests is BS.

    Noone can hold an entire system in their head when it gets enough complexity / features.
    Even if you microservice it, it's the same problem.
    Eventually the complexity outgrows even the biggest craniums

    Tests don't babysit, they let you refactor in seconds with the reliability not found by any other discipline the industry has devised yet

    They are also the most reliable and useful bit of documentation a Dev can write because you can't ship code without them being correct about what the code does (unless you intentionally lie - but you reap what you sew)

    You almost always write more sustainable code as well (naturally decoupled) because your spec _is_ your first client to your code and dependencies have to be thought about upfront - not last min shoehorned

    There are lots of other benefits I could list and I'd be happy to have a convo over a call or something if you're interested in hearing them but alas this is devrant
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    Try a code dojo / software craftsmanship meet if you wanna see first hand
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    normally I don't support the misuse of terminology (not some "trigger" or emo-sensivity-- peeve of an autistic linguist). In this case it's valid as directed at O-no!-I'm-butthurt-stream (yea, i know, it's a comedic stretch), who uses that suffix for everything as if it's at all valid/not supporting the theory of him being actually, by innate and inherent definitions, retarded.

    That visible stain on society has shit decorum, and such scant vocabulary and creativity, that he just makes up random, limited use, classes (most shit front-end web devs do), appending "tard". Then uses them as if they're somehow at all valid.

    nowadays being a visible stain amoungst the countless societal, doom-pending, failures, is rather impressive.

    Tbh, given my abilities/skillset (of nearly 2 decades), people like him... reeeeeallly make me wanna hack them from primarily curiosity-based personal research/observation reasons... being too busy only mildly mitigates the urge/probable act.
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    Ok... I'm shit with acronyms.
    (try being dyslexic, knowing several languages, near 24/7 medically necessary intoxication and self-taught primarily solo dev(too many fields/lang's to count) ~25yrs)

    What is the PR that's OP is referring to? The first several that came to mind don't seem to fit.
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