
Please... Don't be shy to tell at your boss that her ideas is fucking shit and will piss like 95% of the user base !!!

In videogame, application, website, UX, UI or any fucking place

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    Error: context missing
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    i do it all the time.

    and sometimes, the customers even value my feedback. probably because of the dozens of times where they decided a different approach, despite me warning _precisely_ how it will go wrong, and it went wrong _precisely_ the way i predicted.
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    I like my job - I love supporting them to their March into fucking failure
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    @shovethisrant and this is why we can't have nice things
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    @MammaNeedHummus not my fault most of these managers are stubborn, arrogant, selfish, and dumb
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    Legit made me laugh, cuz I go through this like 95% of the time. Have my updoot.
  • -1
    Oh now !

    Straight to RH !

    First, you assumed the gender

    Second it's a "SHE"

    Third you need to use THEY/THEM

    4tj : You need to apploud any idea comming from managment

    5th : Prepare (In advane) the "patch" to fix "thier" mistake

    And then, fuck THENM ALL, drop database and quit
  • 0
    Oh now !

    Straight to RH !

    First, you assumed the gender

    Second it's a "SHE"

    Third you need to use THEY/THEM

    4tj : You need to apploud any idea comming from managment

    5th : Prepare (In advane) the "patch" to fix "thier" mistake

    And then, fuck THENM ALL, drop database and quit
  • 1
    Haha sorry @all.

    Apperentlly, when devrant is slow, clicking 3 times posts 3 times lol
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