
How can someone be applauded like a hero for fixing a bug when he’s the one who caused it in the first place?
Gosh Bill, thanks for saving the day! The least the guy could do is acknowledge he fixed something HE broke. But that’s wishful thinking on my part, isn’t it…

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    It depends...
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    @electrineer no it doesn’t. A simple, "thanks for fixing that" would suffice. Enough with the circle jerking
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    @black-kite sure, if it was some obvious mistake. OTOH, if understanding or fixing the issue requires some otherworldly knowledge or plain sorcery, the fixer is a hero whether they introduced the issue or not.
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    Ok so yes in this case it was rather obvious.
    I’m opposed to congratulating a single person publicly. And I don’t like it when I’m the one being congratulated. We’re all working on bugs and user stories. Why should one be congratulated and not another? Yes I sound like a jealous little prick. It don’t give a fuck.
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    thats like firefighters putting out fires they started.

    that could never happen in real life...
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    Got the same. ”The project” (it’s really a simple administrative web application) is complete.

    And then we were supposed to celebrate.

    Fuckers have spent over a year on it! It’s not really that big!

    The code is a fucking mess. Backend is just…wow.

    And we should celebrate?

    It’s a release that have been post-poned and post-poned.

    And we should celebrate?

    That fucker should not have been able to reach any production environment. Ever.

    I even question its entire existance.

    It should not even have started.

    Fucking clowns.

    The waste is incredible.

    Clowns who allow this to continue. Clowns I say!
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