Lol my week has just been a shit show. After everything and it’s FINALLY Friday! Then, I received a request to give access to certain things in our EHRS to an ex girlfriend. We ended on VERY bad terms. oh, and she’s just an office beside mine. This is the song I’ll be blasting over the COM lol... - https://youtu.be/uxUATkpMQ8A

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    Have fun!
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    @byte-me save me?? 💔
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    Too late amigo, this is why workplace relationships are not recommended 😛
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    @byte-me lol it wasn’t in the workplace, she decided “hey, I’m going to go apply at *company* where my ex works 😂
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    @AnonyOps oh! Sorry. I assume too much. (Maybe she's still into you? 😉)

    Anyway, I have no advice to give you. I suck at handling even the *normal* social situations.
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    @byte-me Don’t apologize, you’re fine!! We shall see how this goes, I’m the IT guy so if she tries to fuck me over like our relationship her internet traffic will look a little “suspicious 😂
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    All American Rejects though 😍 no reason not to blast the fuck out of that.

    Uh, what kind of nutcase gets a job where their ex works?

    Try fuck her at work? Honestly I have no clue what the solution to this one is, your best bet is to forget you were together and treat her like any other fucker around the office... You win by not letting it affect you.
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    @AnonyOps awesome! It looks like you were in control! How's it go?
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