
Can't stop sharing dis

  • 24
    I genuinely feel offended!
  • 28
    Yeah Do not call !!! But you can send email, it won't hurt.
  • 28
    I guess the bride's array starts from 1
  • 4
    Stop sharing dis.
  • 4
    Girl :- So what you do??

    Me :- I'm computer engineering student & work as web Dev also

    Girl :- 😄😅😐😒🙏🏃

    [ At this moment he knew he fucked up ]
  • 4
    People search for grooms in the newspapers over there? I don't want to appear uncultured but.. Jesus 🤤
  • 2
    This is just sad
  • 3
    @rc5-asdf sure, but look at the other conditions 😕
  • 1
    @Eqb8 not everyone is on internet, so...
  • 1
    @Aitkotw lol my first thought was well as a software engineer I prefer to mail first anyway...
    With these kind of ads I wonder if she posted it or parents.
  • 3
    India is changing bit by bit @Bitwise 😛
    It looks like an old newspaper cutting.Also it is common to give ads for marriage in India.
  • 1
    These ads are just sad.
  • 1
    @Bitwise and @sagar13 both of you look closely..it's an old newspaper..thus old ad..
  • 2
    @codePatrol Rudeness can be in any person it doesn't depend on caste or country.
  • 3
    @codePatrol fuck you for having fucked up mind, just because you might have faced something via caste you blame the whole fucking country ? Fucking racist
  • -1
    @dextel2 nope, not the whole country. Just the higher caste is universally rude, inconsiderate shitty people. Most Indians are fine, nice people.

    I had no oppinion of Indians until meeting them so that is purely based on experience. I've met lots of Indians over the years and the higher caste just aren't good people.
  • 0
    @codePatrol you've decided that on basis of what?

    Not to mention being rude has nothing to be with an Indian or extensively a higher caste Indian.
  • 0
    @dextel2 Meeting and working with lots of Indians over the years. I had no oppinion prior to (Not a lot of Indian folks around). Most Indians are fine but you guys can keep your higher caste.
  • 1
    @codePatrol look..I know the caste system is really fucked up..and it's bad, but your answer to my questions doesn't fits...

    Let me tell you this, people have deliberately changed their caste from upper class to 'lower' class on paper, just to enjoy government benefits like reservation.

    So if you think only upper class is bad , it's not lower class is on the same train.

    The point I'm trying to make is it's the people who are rude not what they're.
  • 0
    The burn 😢
  • 0
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