the real truth is that web dev has been running around in circles on itself for over a decade now

"but every framework is 'new' and 'shiny'!!!!"

nah, just more sugar on the same exact concepts that have been around since day 1

  • 4
    Chasing the flavor of the week is doomed to failure.

    I love Rails because it's old and boring.
  • 7
    When I started I was making forms. Still making forms. But I've always worked on administrative software because I do not like visuals. Never created something beautiful
  • 0
    I prefer html and css(or scss) minus the numbers, and straight php, via my preferred editior, notepad.exe. chatGPT calls me legacy.

    I can make most 'modern' designs if given enough png images and box-shadows... not exactly easy for the babydevs to understand when i go to the 25± box-shadow arrays... *sigh* so that leaves me with some custom bootstrapping, typescript and react... and node... but I'm gonna stick to php for awhile.

    ...yeah, I'm a code dinosaur, or as chatGPT so lovingly calls me, legacy.
  • 3
    Also, it's been way over a decade... most shit hasn't changed since I started web dev for small businesses @8 ...so +23yrs
  • 1
    @retoor “Never created something beautiful” is such a beautiful line to say in web dev.
  • 1
    @Cyanide haha, yeah 😁
  • 0
    @Slow-Yep we should've stopped by extjs 😁 It's paid for a reason btw
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