I’m 20 years old MERN (Mongodb, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) Stack Developer, Working in a start up as a full time employee. They’re paying me 20k (INR) (< $300)/month. I’m in 2nd year of my college for my Bachelor’s Degree in computer Science. My Job is work from home. I’m doing programming for 4 years now. I have 1 year full time experience and extra 6 months internship in the same company and also doing freelance for 1 year. I’ve worked on many technologies like AWS, Azure, GCP, React, Tailwindcss, Flutter, Node.js, Express.js, Docker, Vercel, Linux and keep learning things cause I love doing this. But I think my salary is too low, I work 6 days/ week. They promised me that they’ll increase my salary but I don’t think they will. I think there is a lot I can achieve but nothing I can see right now. I’m not comparing myself to anyone but I think I’m eligible to get good food and good Education cause I’m paying for everything (College, food, etc). Family is not supporting after I started earning. I’ve basic understanding of DSA, Networking, etc. Pls Guide me, Please like what to do.. should I leave my job, if I do then I’ve to serve 45 days of notice period.. They said they’ll raise some amount from this new year. So should I wait to get the offer letter then should I quit.. and even after I quit then where should I apply? Should I apply abroad or Bengaluru? Should I take IELTS Certificate or any other tech certifications? Please Help, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE🙏🙏🙏

  • 6
    Just quit and get another job. 20K a month is too low for a MERN stack dev.

    Where should you apply?
    - Any company that pays better.

    Should you get certifications?
    - Trust me when I tell you this, no one, and I mean no one, gives a flying fuck about how many certifications you've got.
  • 0
    @SidTheITGuy Thank u so much for replying, so I decided to take the offer letter then will leave for sure, cause in 10 days I'll get that🙂
  • 2
    Yeesh wow 45 day notice

    (My western country it's 2 weeks and you can totally ignore it with no repercussions)
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